Friday, October 23, 2009

10.23.09 - Uggghhh...

Today, I was beat.  Whooped.  Sleepy.  Dead.  Tired.  Felt like ass.  It happens.

Today's training (10.23.09)
  • AM - Running 13.5M (1:52:38), AHR113/MHR124. Teller Farm (Arapahoe TH) - White Rock - Gunbarrel Farm - 75th (54:32) & back (58:06).  From the first step, I knew it was going to be a long, slow slog.  My legs were toast, and by the time I turned around, I was having a really hard time getting my HR to 115.  Ouch.  Beautiful Colorado morning, though. 
  • PM - Rowing 10K (39:20.2), 31 spm. AHR123/MHR128. I was surprised that I was able to rally myself to do this rowing workout by mid-afternoon.
  • Running Totals: 13.5M day / 85M week (119M/L7) / 350M month / 2290.1M year
  • Rowing Totals: 10K day / 36K week / 166K month / 2153K year
This was one of the rare days when I wasn't really recovered enough to do what I wanted to do.  While I don't have the quality workouts to recover from, I still can have the occasional difficulties with this level of mileage - which is fine. 

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